
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Cranberry Yoghurt Rice Flour Chiffon Cake

These days, I have been baking a lot of chiffon cakes with rice flour added to cake flour.  I can say so far, none has failed.  This is another chiffon cake with rice flour and the other ingredients similar to Cranberry Yoghurt Chiffon Cake.
Notice the holes in the cake cos' I forgotten to tap the pan before baking
Ingredients For Egg Yolk Mixture
[use 7 inch or 19-20 cm tube pan]
5 egg yolks [I used size A eggs]
1 tbsp sugar
40 ml corn oil
80 ml plain yoghurt
60 gm cake flour [I used superfine flour]
30 gm rice flour
50 gm dried cranberry [coated with 1/2 tbsp flour] 
1/4 tsp salt
Ingredients For Egg White Mixture
5 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar 
50 gm castor sugar 

  1. Sieve both flours together and mix in the salt.
  2. Separate egg yolks and whites into 2 separate bowls.
  3. In a bowl, mix flours, salt, sugar, yoghurt and oil until well combined.
  4. Add in egg yolks one after another, beat until creamy and smooth. 
  5. Preheat oven at 160 degrees C for 10 minutes.
  6. In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites until frothy, add in the cream of tartar [if using].    Continue whisking and add in sugar in 3 batches.  Whisk until soft to stiff peaks.
  7. Fold lightly 1/3 portion of the egg white into the egg yolk mixture until well combined.    Then mix with the remaining egg white.  Fold until well combined.   Stir in the flour-coated dried cranberries.
  8. Pour batter into a 19-20 cm [7 inch] tube pan.   Shake a little to smooth out the batter and tap pan several times on table top to release trapped air.
  9. Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes or bake with bottom heat for 20 minutes then both top/bottom heat for remaining 20 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven and invert immediately to cool cake before slicing.
  11. Use a slim spatula to run around the edge of the pan and around the tube to dislodge cake before slicing cake.

Notes: If using larger eggs [AA size], it is advisable to use a 20-22 cm tube pan.
I'm submitting this post to Bake Along #64 - Chiffon Cakes
 hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours 
 photo logo121.jpg


Karen Luvswesavory said...

Hi Kimmy, how I wish my chiffon could rise so high ... yours cover the whole tube pan ! Nice!

PH said...

Kimmy, I see many Chiffon Cakes today for the Bake Along. I'm going to join in too! I must try using rice flour. Dose it make the cake lighter?

Kimmy said...

Hi Phong Hong, so far I'm satisfied with the texture.

Cathleen said...

This cake looks delicious! I have never tried a chiffon cake is now on my to-do list :)

Veronica said...

Hi Kimmy I did use rice flour in my chiffon but only in a small amount. So I can't really tell the difference. Yours looks very light. I do love to add cranberry to my baking.

Baking Diary said...

Waa, your cake rose so high! I must give this rice flour recipe a try too but only 50g sugar?

lena said...

hi kimmy, i am not aware of the use of rice flour to make chiffon cake. something interesting and new to me. i guess i hv to try out myself in order to know the difference. Thx for baking along with us, kimmy!

Sokehah cheah said...

I've never tried baking chiffon cakes with rice flour. Bookmarked!

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...

Hi Kim,
I can see your chiffon rise so high. I am sure it must be very soft,fluffy and delicious! Can I change with you my watermelon chiffon?

kitchen flavours said...

Hi Kimmy,
I have never tried using rice flour for baking cakes! Though I have seen some gluten-free recipes using it.
Your cake rises really high! Very nice!
Thank you for baking along with us!

Kimmy said...

Hi Karen, hope is just not lucky, hehehe!

Kimmy said...

Hi Cathleen, do give it a try, you may like it.

Kimmy said...

Hi Veronica, the portion here is about 1/3 of the total flour used.

Kimmy said...

Hi Jeannie, thanks for the suggestion to use only 50 gm sugar. I'll take note cos' I'm glucose intolerant.

Kimmy said...

H Lena, do try and let me know how you find it so that we can improve further.

Kimmy said...

Hi Soke Hah, do try and let me have your opinion so that this cake can be better.

Kimmy said...

Hi Aunty Young, sure glad if you can share some.

Kimmy said...

Hi Joyce, I have baked several chiffon cakes with rice flour. So far so good, lol.

Zoe said...

Hi Kimmy,

I have bookmarked a few of your rice flour chiffon cakes too but still finding time to bake them leh... *sign*

I love this cranberry yogurt combination too!!!


Kimmy said...

Hi Zoe, I prefer adding yoghurt to cakes than milk.

Lite Home Bake said...

Chiffon with rice flour is new to me :) Wonder what's the difference in taste or texture, i guess i need to try to know huh. Yours look really soft!

Kimmy said...

Hi Lite Home Bake, hard to describe, best to try and let's share our findings....

grub said...

Hello! I've been baking chiffon using rice flour too, but instead of mixing flours I use rice flour only and it has never failed. When I made one in Malaysia the lotus brand rice flour yielded a very nice texture compared to the erawan brand I use in Melbourne.

Interesting how you used yogurt. Thanks for the idea! I will give it a try soon!

Kimmy said...

Hi Grub, thanks for the tip that we can use rice flour for baking chiffon cakes. I'll look out for lotus brand. I'm using Erawan brand too.

Anna Rose said...

I think I will try it today. I fell something will be delicious really