
Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Light and easy meatless dish. Colourful, great dish to go with rice. This is a healthy dish for most people who are working from home. This can be a One Dish Meal dish for lunch or dinner.
How to soak black fungus - place black fungus in  small container, add a little sugar and cornstarch.  Add in some warm water.  Cover the container, shake for several times and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.  The black fungus will plump up and soften.  Rinse the black fungus and add clean water to soak for a further 10-15 minutes.  Drain and is ready to use.
250 gm kailan - washed and cut
some black fungus [bok nee] - soaked and break into pieces
2-3 dried mushrooms - soaked and sliced into 2-3 pieces
30 gm red carrot - peeled and sliced
a few pieces of taufu puff - cut half diagonally 
1/2 tbsp cooking oil
a few slices ginger
oyster sauce, salt and stock granules
dash of pepper
some cornstarch water for thickening
  1. Heat a wok, add in oil and ginger.  Saute until fragrant.  Add in mushrooms, followed by carrots and taufu puff.  
  2. Stir fry for 1 minute, add in black fungus and kailan stems.  Continue to fry 1-2 minutes.  Add in some water and kailan leaves.
  3. Add in seasoning to taste.  Stir fry until  ingredients are cooked through.  Thicken with cornstarch water.  Drizzle some sesame oil.
  4. Serve  immediately.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


I am sharing another dish with only a few ingredients but both are awesome. Dish 21 is a vegetarian dish which is savoury with a tinge of sweet and sourish tastes that is appetising. Gives flavour to the fried ingredients tempe, firm beancurd and Ladies' fingers. Aromatic with the use of curry leaves. 
Dish 21 is adapted from VegePapa Youtube Video with some modifications [Here]
Dish 21 - Fried Tempe Taukwa With Curry Leaves
1 piece firm beancurd - cut into 1/2 cm thick slices
1 piece tempeh - cut into 1/2 cm thick slices
2-3 Ladies' fingers - sliced slantwise
1-2 sprigs curry leaves
2-3 small red and green chillies - cut small pieces
some fried grated coconut
Juice of 2 calamansi limes
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp water
  1. Pan fry sliced Ladies' fingers until dry.  Dish up.
  2. Fry beancurd pieces and tempeh separately until golden brown and slightly crispy.  Remove, set aside.
  3. Remove excess oil, leaving some to saute curry leaves and small chillies until aromatic.  Add in sugar, then soy sauce and water.
  4. Bring to boil.  Combine the fried ingredients with the sauce.  Continue to fry until sauce is almost dry.  Sprinkle fried grated coconut.
  5. Dish up.  Drizzle in juice of calamansi limes before serving.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


A very simple tofu dish but it is surprisingly delicious to eat with rice or porridge.
The sauce tastes savoury, slightly sourish and aromatic.  Healthy and light dish for meatless meals.
This recipe is only for 1 piece tofu.  You can increase the portion and the sauce according to your requirements.
Dish 19 - Fried Tofu in Fragrant Sauce
1 piece tofu - cut into quarter, then cut into half to obtain 8 pieces
some chopped ginger and garlic
some chopped red chillies
some chopped spring onions
Seasoning [combined]
1 tbsp each light soy sauce and oyster sauce
1 tbsp black vinegar
1/4 tsp salt and sugar
1 tsp cornstarch
several tbsp water
  1. Heat a non stick pan with some oil.  Put in the tofu pieces to pan fry until golden brown on both sides.  Sprinkle some salt over tofu for extra taste.
  2. Push aside fried tofu, add in chopped ginger and garlic and some spring onions.  Saute until aromatic.  
  3. Pour in combined seasoning sauce.  Add some extra water.  Bring to boil for several minutes until sauce thickens and coat the tofu pieces nicely.
  4. Taste to adjust seasoning.
  5. Lastly, add in chillies and remaining spring onions.
  6. Dish up to serve.

Next is another homey, delicious and healthy dish suitable for the family during stay home time😁😁😁.  Light and easy which only requires an assortment of ingredients in small quantity.
Dish 20 - Stir Fry Celery with Eggs
2 stalks of celery - cut slantwise
2 dried mushrooms - soaked and cut strips
1/2 small carrot - sliced and cut strips
1/2 small green capsicum - seeded and cut strips
2 eggs - lightly beaten with some salt and pepper
1 tbsp oil
oyster sauce, pepper and salt
some cornstarch water for thickening

  1. Heat oil in wok, fry beaten eggs to make omelette until golden on both sides.  Cut into pieces.  Dish up.
  2. Add some oil to wok, fry mushrooms until aromatic, then add in the celery, carrots and capsicum.  Stir fry to cook the vegetables.  Add in seasoning and some water.  Bring to boil and add in fried eggs. 
  3. Mix well and thicken with cornstarch water.
  4. Dish up to serve.