
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year 2013 & Resolution 2014

2013 has been a very busy year for me.  I can't list down the things that I have done but there was hardly much free time to laze around.  There seem to be many things that I wish to do yet not done [not because of procrastination] but really insufficient or not enough time to do it.  Don't worry for me, there are no back logs that I can remember, as I always set my priorities right, hehehe!  
I don't think I owe anyone anything in 2013.  BUT, I think there is only one thing that I must do in 2014, that is to try  some of the many lovely recipes shared by all dear food bloggers.  Those that I have bookmarked to try and yet to do.  Some are as way back as 2011/2012. This is going to be one of my resolutions for 2014 - Must start to try them from now.  So my dear friends, you may see a dish so similar to yours, that's if I did it right, hehehe!
If I do try them and post the recipes after trying for record purposes but forgotten to link to the respective blogs, my sincere apologies.  Hope you will give me a 'tinkle' if you do spot the errors and I'll update and link it up right away.  I'm not young anymore and good memories do fail me at times.
Anyway, I was happy all throughout 2013 and thought it was a good year for me with things running smoothly until Christmas Day. My family and relatives are healthy, safe and sound.  But on the fateful early morning of Christmas Day, I lost my dear youngest brother in a road mishap.  He left us so suddenly without uttering any words. Leaving his aged mother, siblings, his loving wife and two young daugthers. This really shattered my thoughts of a beautiful 2013 and a big blow to my family, relatives and even his friends.
However, throughout the year, I have made many new friends through food blogging, outdoor social activities and recreational sports etc.   I do appreciate all the valuable comments, feedbacks and advices which are very inspirational.   Through food blogging, my friends, relatives and family especially my hubby and myself got to enjoy a wide range of yummy-licious home-cooked food in 2013.  I think there were over 270 new recipes that I have tried throughout the year.  To me, it's quite an accomplishment.  With so much good food and bakes, I must say that none in the family has their waistlines expanding 'sideways'....Got what I mean. So it is still worth the effort to prepare home-cooked food.
So much said, happy or sad, life has to go on.  It's time to wish all readers/visitors of my blog and blogger friends a safe and good new year ahead for all.
New Year Resolution...
"May this new year brings safety,
good health and happiness to all.
 Most of all, please do enjoy visiting me here to keep me going"

P/S: To my dear readers and blogger friends, I will not be posting any recipe regularly as before as I'm not in the 'mood for food'.  But I would love your visits to this blog even though the new postings aren't regular for the time being.  Take care.


PH said...

Kimmy, I am so sorry for your loss. It is very hard to accept the loss of a loved one especially a family member. I feel sad for your sister-in-law. May God be with all of you at this difficult time to give strength, comfort and hope.

Meanwhile, I wish for a good 2014 for you and your family. May the new year bring happiness and all good things especially good health!

Lite Home Bake said...

It has been nice getting to know you through this blog, Kimmy. Thank you for sharing the many awesome recipes, i will always come here especially for your curries, cottony cakes, nyonya delights and so much more! I am so sorry to hear about your loss, Kimmy. Yes, you are right, life has to go on happy/sad hence we need to make the best out of it. Hope 2014 will be a smooth year ahead for all of us!

Amy Baking Diary said...

Happy 2014 Kimmy!

Glad to know you through food blogging.

I'm definitely going to miss your post. But definitely will visit your blog to see what you'll be cooking and baking.

Do in keep touch by visiting our blogs.


Kimmy said...

Hi Phong Hong, thanks for your msg and well wishes. Honestly, it's harder than the time when my Pa passed on as we were prepared for the worst. This time was so sudden and it really shattered our hopes for the future.

Kimmy said...

Hi Lite Home Bake, thanks for your feedback and encouragement. It does give me strength and I really hope for a safe and smooth year 2014 for all of us and our loved ones.

Kimmy said...

Hi Amy, Happy 2014 and hope all of us will be safe and good. I'm not in the mood for food but I'll try to spend my time visiting your blog and others. Will definitely keep in touch. I need some time to get over the family's loss.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Kimmy,

Wishing you and your loved ones a great 2014 ahead! Cheers!

lena said...

i am sorry to hear about your brother. I hope you will find all the comfort and peace that you need thru this difficult time. Hope 2014 will be a better year for all of us.

Ivy Sew said...

Hi Kimmy, sorry to hear about your loss. Be strong!
Here's wishing you Happiness,Success and filled with Peace,Hope & Togetherness of your Family & Friends....Wishing You a...*HAPPY NEW YEAR*

Kimmy said...

Thanks Alvin. Same to you.

Kimmy said...

Lena, I pray that all is good and safe in this new year for all..

Kimmy said...

Hi Ivy, thanks. Wish all the goods things are here in 2014 to you and everyone.

kitchen flavours said...

Hi Kimmy,
My condolence for the loss of your brother. It must be very difficult for the whole family, especially his wife and two young kids. Be strong.
Thank you for sharing all your lovely dishes and bakes with us and for linking with CYB.
Take care and hope that this year will be the best year yet for all.
All the best in 2014.

Kimmy said...

Hi Joyce, thank you. It's really difficult for all of us especially when was the family's 'Manja' boy even up to his age of 46. We need some time to get over it. But I do have some pending posts to share with CYB which I'll do when in the mood.

Baking Diary said...

Hi Kimmy, so sorry to read about your brother's passing, sad to know of younger people passing much sooner than us older folks….hope the new year will bring a new and better beginnings…see you around:)

Kimmy said...

Thanks Jeannie for your support. Sometimes it's hard to accept such happenings especially when it is around festive times. The beginning and first year is always difficult as we recall the good old times together. Will try to be back soon but not that often for awhile.

Elaine said...

So sorry to read of your loss....
A happy new year to you and take care.

Kimmy said...

Hi Elaine, thank you. I'm trying hard to get back to normal soon. But it ain't going to be the same for a while. We were very close to each other.