Monday, October 6, 2014

Steamed Pumpkin Muffins

This lovely Steamed Pumpkin Muffins recipe was shared by many blogger friends with slight variations. Some uses coconut milk while others used evaporated milk. Now it's me substituting the liquid ingredient with yoghurt as I ran out of milk when I wanted to make these.
Basically, I followed the recipe from Beauty Me Lover Recipes. I fully agree with Beauty Me that this recipe is very simple to follow and the muffins really can smile. With the reduced sugar, the sweetness is just right and these muffins are soft and fluffy, the top is dry even on the next day.
[makes 8-9 muffins]
125 gm steamed pumpkin flesh
1 egg
80 gm sugar
100 gm evaporated milk or plain yoghurt
30 ml corn oil
Sieve together
180 gm cake flour/self-raising flour
20 gm rice flour
1.5 tsp baking powder [can use double action baking powder]

  1. Prepare your steamer and bring the water to a boil [I used electric steamer]
  2. Put steamed pumpkin flesh, egg, sugar, milk/yoghurt and oil in a blender.  Blend until smooth. 
  3. Sieve flour into a mixing bowl.  Make a well in the centre.  Pour liquid mixture into flour gradually and stir to combine until smooth.
  4. Spoon into lined steaming tray and steam for 15 minutes [It will bloom by itself, no need to make a cross with oil].
  5. Remove to cool on wire rack.
This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2014 Event: PUMPKIN) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Mui Mui (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Eileen (Eileen's Diary).
Also submitting this post to "My Treasured Recipes #3 - Taste of Autumn (Oct/Nov 2014)" hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House


  1. This pumpkin muffin looks soft and fluffy. I am sure I will like it especially served with a cup of hot coffee.

  2. Hi Kimmy, using steam method is more healthy and yet the texture still soft and fluffy, nice sharing.

    Thanks for link up to LTU.

  3. Kimmy, these steamed muffins look so good and fluffy. I got to try steam cakes or muffins one day !

  4. Hi Aunty Young, these muffins are really soft and fluffy. One of the best steamed cakes/kuihs that I like.

  5. Hi Eileen, you're right. Steamed cakes use less fats and eggs too. Best is that they can be reheated before serving. Some stay soft and fluffy even when cooled down.

  6. Hi Karen, you must try this. It's really good, soft and moist. The texture is chewy [QQ] and I like this one cos' the cake top stays dry even on the next day.

  7. Hi Kimmy! I have yet to try steaming muffins or cakes. These Steamed Pumpkin Muffins must surely be tasty. I simply love pumpkins!

  8. That looks so bright and yummy! I really got to make something with pumpkin soon!

  9. Hi Kimmy, yr pumpkin muffins look like Huat kuih, :) very nice colour n smile. Huat ah!!
    Tried yr pumpkin floss bread this evening, very good. Thanks for sharing. Going to try the muffins after the bread is finished :)

  10. Hi Kimmy, I haven't tried making steam cake. Will give this a try.

  11. Kimmy,
    Thanks for linking up! Are these steamed muffins like huat kueh? I have seen people using rice flour for huat kuehs, is that the reason for them being soft and fluffy?

  12. Hi Phong Hong, these tasted good and I like the colour, very natural and bright. I supposed the quality of pumpkin used is a factor.

  13. Hi Jeannie, I tried steamed cakes using sweet potatoes, they aren't as light, soft as these made with pumpkin. You will like this.

  14. Hi Madeline, I prefer these to huat kuih. Simple, fast and easy. I'll try with sweet potatoes and hope to get the same results. Glad your tried the pumpkin floss buns which turned out well. Happy trying.

  15. Hi Amy, do try and let me know if you like this kind of steamed cakes or baked ones.

  16. Hi Amy! I just tried your recipe and they taste great. However what should I omit if I prefer to have a round top instead of the split? Thanks!

  17. Hi Growing Up Together, if you prefer round top steamed cakes, you can perhaps try the mushi pan recipe.
