Monday, November 26, 2012

Thai Green Mango Fish

My hubby's fishing 'kakis' caught a 2 kilogram threadfin fish and shared with us 3 slices of it.  So far I haven't cook freshly caught fish by frying.  This time with some fresh green mangoes from my neighbour, I pan fried the fish for a change. Yummy, sweet, sourish mango with fried!!!    Nice with plain white rice.

[serves 2-3]
3 slices  fish [I used thread fin fish] - cleaned and pat dry
oil for frying fish
some toasted sesame seeds - optional
Ingredients for Sauce- [A]
1 small green fragrant mango [shredded]
3-5 shallots - sliced thinly
1 stalk coriander - minced
1 red chilli padi - sliced thinly 
Combine Together- [B]
5 tbsp limau kasturi juice [calamansi lime]
2 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp sugar
  1. On a serving plate, put a layer of shredded mango, shallots, chilli and chopped coriander.
  2. Heat wok, add in oil.   Fry fish slices until  cooked and golden brown.
  3. Dish out on to serving plate.
  4. Garnish with balance of [A] ingredients, then pour combined sauce B over fried fish and [A].
  5. Serve immediately.
You can use fish fillets or even a whole fish for this dish.  
Asian Food Fest
I'm submitting this post to Asian Food Fest - November 2013  
hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings


  1. Kimmy, this is very delicious! The fried fish goes very well the mango and lime dressing. I am really "lau nuar" just looking at your dish :)

  2. Freshly caught fried fish with tangy mango sauce - aiyo..perfectly appetizing. It's so nice to have fresh fish like this isn't it. My family love threadfin, one of our favourite.

  3. Hi Phong Hong & Esther, thanks for your comments. This is really a nice dish but my fried fish doesn't look evenly brown cos' I used too little oil. Should have fried them piece by piece.

  4. Hi Kimmy,

    Your fried fish looks wonderful. I'm salivating thinking of the fish complimenting with mango and lime dressing. Yum!


  5. Hi Zoe, thanks. The dish really tasted good with fresh fish and fresh mangoes too.
