Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Steamed Black Sesame Buns

This is a healthy steamed bun that has the flavour of black sesame seeds which is easy to prepare.  Original recipe uses red bean paste as filling.   But,  I'm using the Savoury Split Green Bean Paste filling [see here for preparation]  leftover from the making of  Purple Rose Buns [see posting here].  Should look good with outer pau skin black and interior yellow  [didn't expect it to be so symmetrical..] .  The buns were lovely, soft and moist.
[dough weighs 550 - makes 12 pieces ]
Mix together - yeast mixture
1 tsp instant yeast
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp pau flour
180 ml lukewarm water
Pau Ingredients
300 gm pau flour or low protein flour
1 tsp double action baking powder
40 gm castor sugar
30 gm black sesame powder [I grind toasted black sesame seeds until fine]
30 gm butter
savoury split green bean paste or 200 gm store bought red bean paste
  1. Combine and mix yeast mixture in a mixing bowl.  Stir well and leave aside for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Then add in pau ingredients  [except butter].  Knead into a smooth dough before adding in butter to knead until elastic.   Cover and leave to proof for 30-40 minutes or until double in size.
  3. Punch down and divide into 3 equal portions.  Shape each into a ball.  Then divide each portion into 4 equal parts.  Roll into round balls.
  4. Wrap each dough around chosen filling and shape into any shapes preferred.  I used round, pleated and oval shapes.  Place on paper casing and leave to rest for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Steam the buns over rapid boiling water for 10 minutes.  I steamed the buns from cold water for 12-15 minutes in an electric steamer, then leave for 5-10 minutes before eating.
This is the first time I tried steaming paus/buns with my electric steamer with 2 trays. For this portion, I can only steam 6 buns at a time. 


  1. Wah, steamed sesame buns with savoury bean filling! This must be very flavourful and delicious. Perfect for breakfast or afternoon tea :)

  2. Hey, these look so cute. Haven't tried making buns with black sesame. Must be very aromatic!

  3. Hi Phong Hong, yes it is. My niece was so addicted to the filling, she took 3 buns in one go for breakfast.

  4. Hi Cheah, these buns were good but next time I will try to add 1 tbsp of toasted white sesame seeds to the black sesame seeds. I believe it will be more aromatic.

  5. if i don't have mixer, would the dough rise ?

  6. Hi Francesca, looks like you have to use your hands to do the kneading. Yes the dough will rise so long as you knead it until soft and smooth.
