Monday, August 14, 2017


A word of caution, this kind of dishes is not suitable for small eaters unless you it as a One Dish Meal.  Just a small portion of each ingredient, you can end up with a big portion to serve many.
Luckily, we are 3 great eaters and managed to finish it in a meal.

The fried chicken pieces are tender, tasty and goes well with the assorted ingredients.  Do not overcook the celery and lotus roots to keep them crunchy. You can substitute the vegetables with other vegetables like asparagus, fresh mushrooms, snow peas etc.  Best to serve this dish immediately.
[serves 3-4]
1 large deboned chicken whole leg - cut thick strips
2 dried mushrooms - soaked and sliced
2 stems of celery - sliced slantwise
1 small section of lotus root - sliced thinly and blanched
50 gm red carrots - sliced
1 red chilli - sliced
2 cloves garlic - sliced
1 stalk spring onions - cut sections
1 tbsp each of light soy sauce and wine
dash of pepper and msg
1 tbsp fermented black beans [tau see] -  rinsed and drained

  1. Marinate chicken pieces with 1 tbsp each of light soy sauce, wine and 1/4 tsp sugar.  Mix well, then add 1 tbsp of egg, stir to mix and add in 1 tbsp cornstarch.  Mix well.
  2. Heat a non stick wok with 1 tbsp oil, pan fry chicken pieces until brown.  Dish up.
  3. Using the same wok, saute garlic, red chill  and some spring onions until aromatic.  Add in the mushrooms and stir fry for a minute before adding the vegetables and seasoning [except the tau see] and some water. 
  4. Quickly, stir fry to mix then add in the chicken pieces and tau see.  Toss well and dish up when all ingredients are cooked.
  5. Dish up to serve immediately.


  1. Kimmy, I shall have no problem with the portion size hee..hee...

  2. Hi Phong Hong, then you can go ahead to try this, hehehe!. Great for a One Dish Meal.
