Thursday, May 11, 2017


There was a day, I was very hardworking.    You must wondering why.  Usually, I wouldn’t try more than one new recipe in a day.  This is because there is really much to do when trying out new recipe for sharing and keeping it in my food blog.  Every step has to be noted, photos have to be taken and recipe rephrased before posting it in the blog.  At times, I prefer to simplify the steps so that it is easier for others to follow without compromising its taste and flavor.

This dish was prepared the same day as I cooked the Stewed Beancurd With Pork [the third recipe from this book].
Anyway, this dish is not difficult when comes to cooking it as it is a steamed dish.  The preparation and assembling take some time but this can be done earlier and left in the fridge until meal time.
I love the crunchy prawn with meat filling and the soft loofah which is sweet.  The sauce is savoury and aromatic.  All these seem to blend well, making this dish worth giving it a try.

Recipe adapted from 'Lisa Yam's World' Cookbook with modifications
1 fresh loofah  [240 gm]
120 gm minced pork
80 gm prawns – shelled and diced
2 tsp chopped garlic and spring onions [keep aside ½ of these ingredients]
2 tsp grated ginger
2 tsp light soy sauce
Dash of pepper, msg and sesame seed oil
1 tbsp cornflour
2 tsp light soy sauce
2 tsp oil
  1. Peel  loofah, cut into half, remove the inner tissues and seeds, then cut into 2 inch sections. 
  2. Rinse and scald, then rinse again with water.  Drain well.
  3. Mix marinade with minced pork, then mix in the diced prawns.  Mix well into a thick paste for filling.
  4. Stuff filling into cut loofah, arrange on a steaming plate.
  5. Steam over high heat for 15-20 minutes  until well done.  Remove and sprinkle garlic and spring onion on top.
  6. Meanwhile,heat up oil in a saucepan until hot, add in light soy sauce. Pour hot oil over steam dish and serve immediately.

Cookbook Countdown
I'm linking this post to Cookbook Countdown Event #17 hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Emily of Emily's Cooking [Makan2] Foray


  1. Hi Kimmy,
    You have cooked some delicious looking dish from this cookbook. All the dishes you've made looks really good!

  2. Hi Joyce, glad I did try some of the recipes from this cookbook. Again, at least my family and myself got to taste new dishes at the dinner table instead of the same 'old' dishes that always taste and look the same, hehehe!
