Monday, May 15, 2017


This soup looks very plain and simple but I loved the crunchy almonds though boiled and simmered for some time.
The almonds here are of two different types [sweet & bitter].   These are available at all Chinese medical shops and I was told some comes with brown skin.   Most people prefer the almonds without the skin.  For this soup, you can use honey dew instead of winter melon.
A homey soup suitable for all ages and especially good during hot weather.

Recipe adapted from Lisa Yam’s World Cookbook with modifications
200 gm winter melon – peeled, remove seeds and cut into chunky pieces
200 gm lean pork or pork shank – cut into slices
2 tbsp assorted almonds [nam hang & pak hang] - rinsed
800 ml water
2 slices ginger
Salt to taste
Dash of pepper to taste

  1. Bring water to boil in a soup pot, add in all the ingredients.
  2. Bring to boil, then lower heat to simmer till tender and soup thickens.
  3. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Dish up to serve hot.

Cookbook Countdown
I'm linking this post to Cookbook Countdown Event #17 hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Emily of Emily's Cooking [Makan2] Foray


  1. Kimmy, those almonds are something new to me. Nevertheless, this is a soup I would enjoy!

  2. It has been ages since I last had these two almonds in soups! It has been too long! Your soup looks slurpingly good!

  3. Hi Phong Hong, read often that almonds are good for health. I made soup with these types of almonds whenever I remember.

  4. Hi Joyce, I usually will just buy a portion enough for one time cooking from the medical shops. Very convenient boil them in soup with either chicken or pork ribs.
