Friday, February 17, 2017


This dish needs a little extra effort to prepare.  First, you need to prepare the paste for the filling, then the frying followed by the braising.  But, it isn't difficult if it is done step by step at different times.
The paste filling can be used to make fish balls for soups or noodles.  It can be stuffed in various vegetables like brinjals, okra, chillies, bittergourd or in soft/firm beancurd.  
Of course, this is a tasty and aromatic dish which is savoury and sourish.  The fresh tofu skin is tasty when it soaks up the seasoning sauce and fragrant.   
Ingredients for Paste
100 gm fish paste
50 gm prawn paste
50 gm minced meat
some chopped spring onions
Seasoning [mixed together]
1 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp sesame seed oil
2 tbsp cold water
1 tbsp cornstarch
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine fish paste, prawn paste and minced meat with seasoning.
  2. Stir in a one direction into a sticky paste.  Add in the spring onions and mix well.  Shape into ball, place in a container and chill for at least 30 minutes or until required.
Other Ingredients
1 packet [10 pieces] fresh soya skin [tau pau] - defrost
some chopped garlic, ginger, red chilli and spring onions
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp wine
1 tbsp black vinegar
1/4 tsp sugar
2-3 tbsp water
  1. Separate the fresh tofu skin and press out excess water.
  2. Spread some prepared fish paste on a piece of taupau and top up with another piece.  Press lightly and set aside.  Finish doing the same for the rest.  Dust stuffed tofu skin with some cornflour before frying.
  3. Heat up a non stick pan with enough oil to pan fry or deep fry the tofu skin until golden brown.  Dish up and set aside.
  4. Remove excess oil from wok, saute ginger, garlic and red chilli until aromatic.  Add in seasoning sauce, bring to boil.  Return the fried  taupau pieces to the wok, braise until sauce is reduced slightly.
  5. Dish up and garnish with chopped spring onion.  Serve immediately.


  1. Hi Emily, really, it is delish and taste even better after resting. I love this dish, awesome.

  2. Kimmy, I enjoy tau pau in vegetarian dishes. I am sure that I will love this tau pau with fish paste.

  3. I love Tau Pau, must be very yummy with all the goodies inside. Thumbs up!

  4. This is a very delicious dish and I'm a big fan of Tau Pau or anything to do with beancurd sheets.

  5. Hi Phong Hong, tau pau is my favorite vegetarian food ingredient. Great to use it for a non-vegetarian dish. I like this.

  6. Hi Soke Hah, taupau is a versatile food ingredient. You can cook them with various flavours and ways like steaming, frying and braising. Any way they taste good.

  7. Hi, Kimmy, I love the way you prepared this dish and would like to try out your recipe. Could you please tell me where I can buy the fish paste and bean curd skin? Thanks

  8. Hi Ruby, I used Spanish Mackerel fish meat for the paste. The fresh beancurd skin is available at the wet market stalls selling vegetarian food ingredients or soya products. It is also available at the supermarkets at the frozen food section. If you are from Malaysia, do look for it from Everbest Frozen Food company.
