Thursday, June 16, 2016


This is one of the simplest and fastest herbal drink that we can prepare.   It is a soothing brew that can be drunk hot or chilled and is believed to be cooling for the body.  When preparing herbal soups or drinks, it usually takes a longer time but the best way to brew chrysanthemum is to steep it.  Rapid boiling will dissipate its flavour and result in a slightly bitter drink.
Note - Yong Sum Soe [aka hairs of Ginseng roots] - This is a grade of Ginseng that us used as in tonics or sweet soups and tea.  It is said to be 'cooling' for the body when taken in moderation.  Ginseng is also believed to give energy and strength and to permit healing qualities to work after a bout of illness.
Recipe adapted from my selected cookbook for this month Cookbook Countdown Event#6 - Home Cooking June 2001 issue
30 gm dried chrysanthemum petals
10 gm yong sam soe [available from Chinese medical shops]
80 gm rock sugar
1.5 litres water
  1. Boil rock sugar with water in a large pot until sugar dissolves.
  2. Steep chrysanthemum and yong sam soe in boiled sugar water, covered for 10-15 minutes or until flavour is infused.
  3. Allow to cool before drinking.
I am sharing this post with Cookbook Countdown hosted by 


  1. Hi Kimmy
    I will usually boil yong sum soe when we are starting to have a sore throat. But have never boil it with kook fah before. I will try this!
    Thanks for sharing with CC!

  2. Hi Kimmy,

    Thanks for the tip of steeping the chrysanthemum instead of boiling them with the rest of the ingredients!

  3. Hi Kimmy,

    Inspired by you, bought the ingredients last night and boil the drink this morning. Hopefully there is some left for me this evening!

  4. Hi Emily, 10-15 minutes steeping is enough to bring out the flavours.
