Thursday, April 14, 2016


This is a simple Chinese [Taiwanese] style steamed fish with the basic ingredients found in most Taiwanese cooking [ginger, garlic, chilli and spring onions].
It is so easy yet tasty especially with fresh fish. These fish fillets are obtained from a big [2 kg] fish caught by my husband during his fishing trip with his friend. His friend took the head portion and we had the tail portion.
The chopped ingredients combined with the sauce blends well with the sweetness of the fish especially when the hot oil is poured over the steamed fish. It helps brings out its aroma and taste.

300 gm fresh fish fillets – sliced 1 cm thick
1 tbsp each chopped garlic and ginger
Some chopped red chilli
1 stalk spring onion – chopped
1 stalk coriander leaves – chopped
Seasoning Sauce [combined]
1 tbsp each black vinegar, light soy sauce and brown sugar
¼ tsp salt to taste
1 tbsp oil + ½ tsp sesame oil – to be heated up

  1. Place sliced fish fillets on steaming plate. Top with chopped ginger, garlic and chilli.
  2. Pour in combined sauce ingredients. Steamed fish over high heat for 7 minutes or until fish is cooked.
  3. Sprinkle cut spring onions and coriander leaves over steamed fish.
  4. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a small saucepan until hot, quickly pour over the fish. Serve immediately.


  1. Kimmy, I can imagine how good this is! Very fresh fish is perfect for steaming and you are so lucky to get constant supply from your hubby hee..hee...

  2. Hi Phong Hong, the supply has to stop for awhile cos' my hubby is busy having to look after his mum who is no recovering from op. No fishing trips for the time being.
