Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I must thank Madam Lian for sharing this flaky siu pao recipe in Yum Yum Magazine No. 86.  I like these kind of baked paos but it was ages ago when I last made these.  Recently I saw this recipe in the magazine which looks simple and delicious.  Here is my attempt and must say that I'm very happy with the result.  It's a keeper.
Verdict - These baked paos are very flaky and soft immediately out of the oven.  It's very aromatic and the filling is very tasty.  Not too sweet and is good. 
The paos will hardened slightly when cooled down but is still flaky.  If preferred, warm them in oven before serving, the paos are as good as freshly baked.  The dough skin is easy to mix, soft and smooth for easy pleating. 
I made some paos round in shape.  Looks good and has circular flaky layers
Recipe Source - Yum Yum Magazine No. 86 [slightly modified]
[makes 20 pieces]
Pao Fillings
200 gm minced meat with some fats
100 gm prawn meat - diced
100 gm char siu - chopped
4 black mushrooms - soaked and diced
50-80 gm green peas [I used canned green peas]
1 tbsp oil
10 shallots - chopped
2-3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce [optional]
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
Preparing the Pao Filling

  1. Heat oil, saute shallots until aromatic.  Add in the minced meat, stir fry to mix well and until the meat turns pale.
  2. Add in the prawns, char siu, mushrooms and stir fry to mix well.
  3. Add in all the seasoning and a little water.  Stir fry to combine.  
  4. Fry until gravy is thickened.  Add in the green peas. 
  5. Stir to mix well and dish up.
  6. Leave to cool in the fridge for 2 hours for easy wrapping.  This can be prepared one day earlier.
Ingredients for Skin Dough
Oil Dough
200 gm plain flour - sifted
125 gm shortening
  • Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Mix into a dough until it comes out clean from the sides of the bowl.
  • Divide into 20 portions of about 15-20 gm each.  Roll into a ball.
Water Dough
250 gm plain flour - sifted
1 1/2 tbsp castor sugar
75 gm shortening
125 ml ice cold water
  • Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Add in the water and mix to conbine into a soft dough.  
  • Divide into 20 portions of about 20 gm each.  Roll into a ball.
1 egg - beaten
some toasted seeds
  1. Wrap 1 portion of oil dough with 1 portion of water dough [oil dough inside and water dough outside].  Round up into a ball.  Finish doing with the remaining portions.
  2. Flatten and roll 1 portion of the dough into a slender rectangular shape, then roll up like Swiss roll.  Finish doing with the remaining portions.
  3. Flatten again the roll and roll into a slender rectangular shape, then roll up like Swiss roll.  Repeat the same for the rest of the dough.
  4. Flatten 1 portion of the dough, roll into a circular shape.  Scoop 1 tablespoon filling to wrap and gather up the edges and seal into a pleated pao shape.
  5. Brush with egg glaze and sprinkle some sesame seeds.
  6. Place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C [middle shelf] for 30 minutes or till golden brown.
  8. Remove and leave to cool on wire rack.  Serve warm tastes better.

Preparing the Skin Dough







Shaping the pao
Baking the flaky paos
I'm submitting this post to Cook Your Books Event #15 hosted by

 Joyce of Kitchen Flavours
 photo 77951578-1914-4b72-8eda-9e40a91183ac_zps331eb4b4.jpg

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe


  1. Kimmy, thanks for showing how it is done. I want to try as I have only been baking cakes and muffins hah..hah...One time I ate a siew pao that is flaky on outside but the inside is fluffy like the normal steamed pau. Maybe they deep fried it.

  2. Hi Kimmy,
    Your siu baos look delicious. May I know if I can substitute the shortening with vegetable oil or butter? I was told that shortening is transfat and it is not healthy.
    Your advice appreciated. Thank you very much.

  3. Hi Phong Hong, this is good. I made them and serve them warm. It's good. I think baking them is less fatty.

  4. Hi Madeline, I think you can. It is the thought that these aren't too healthy that has stopped me from making them until now, hahaha!. Once awhile it's okay. Do try and let me know if it's good.

  5. Hi Amy, no problem, will share with you one...

  6. Delicious baked bao. Your pleating is so perfect and beautiful Kimmy.

  7. Hi Kimmy,
    Your pao looks really good! Nowadays the price for one pao is so darn expensive!
    Thanks for sharing with CYB!

  8. Kimmy, my fav char siu soh and siu bao ! Your baked siu baos are so tempting and yummy.

  9. Hi Kimmy,

    I can see there is heaps of efforts to make these siew bao. They look very yummy!!!


  10. Hi Veronica, surprisingly the dough is easy to handle and pleating is no problem if the filling does not touch the edges.

  11. Hi Joyce, I seldom buy this baked baos. It was a hit with my nephews. Finished very fast.

  12. Thanks Karen, will share some with you next time.

  13. Hi Zoe, it's worth the trouble. Quite fast to make if you prepare the filling a day earlier.

  14. OMG Kimmy - I love your folds!!! I have never made a bao and I don't think I can ever fold them so beautifully!

  15. Hi Diana, this dough is quite easy to fold into pleats. Practice makes perfect.
