Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Braised Fish With Tofu Puffs

Used to cook this dish at my MIL's place but it's a long time since then that I didn't cook this.  While browsing through a food magazine, I saw this dish and thought it's high time I prepare this dish for my hubby.  Of course, I like it too.
Verdict - tasty and delicious fish dish, good with rice or porridge.  The tofu puffs soaked up flavours of the sauce which make it tasty.
Recipe Source - Yum Yum Magazine No. 69 with slight modifications
[serves 3-4]
2 threadfin [ma yau] fish [about 400 gm] - cleaned [I used Garoupa fish fillet]
1 tbsp shredded ginger [I used more]
1 tsp chopped garlic
8 pieces of tofu puffs [I used 100 gm]
some shredded red chilli
2 stalks of spring onion - cut into lengths
2 tbsp salted soy beans [Knife Brand - coarse type]
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
a dash of pepper
150 ml water
  1. Deep fry fish in hot oil until golden brown [I shallow fry the fish fillets].  Dish and drain.
  2. Leave 1 tbsp oil in wok, saute ginger and garlic until aromatic.  Add in the salted soy beans and chilli.
  3. Add in tofu puffs and remaining seasoning.  Add water and bring to boil.  Add in fish to cooked for 2 minutes.
  4. Add in spring onions, stir well and dish up to serve.
I'm submitting this post to Cook Your Books Event #15 hosted by
 Joyce of Kitchen Flavours
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  1. Kimmy, this is surely a delicious dish! Anything with taucheow I like very much.

  2. Hi Phong Hong, especially good with this brand of taucheow. It's not too salty and has a little sweetness. Nice.

  3. Hi 5 Kimmy ! my fav taucheon brand too ! I cook similar dish but fish cakes + tofu puffs + ginger/garlic + taucheon ^-^ 1 dish meal !

  4. Hi Kimmy,
    This is such a delicious looking dish. I love garoupa fish and cooking it with taucheow sounds really delicious!
    Thanks for sharing with CYB!

  5. Hi Karen, that's great combination too. I like taucheow cooked with lots of ginger and big onions. I enjoy these more that the fish, hehehe!

  6. Hi Joyce, I'm afraid of bony fish and will usually cooked fish fillets.
