Friday, December 13, 2013

EZ Boiled Butter Cubed Potatoes

This is a simple boiled potato recipe taught to me by my American/Filipino friend when I visited her in the Philippines.  She cooked this to serve with fried crispy lemon sole fish and salad.

Here, I prepared this dish to serve with Roasted Chicken with Tomato Paste [see this post] and a Cabbage Salad [see post]. A complete meal for dinner.  Yummylicious chicken, sourish salad and soft boiled fragrant potatoes, hmmm...a good combination.
[serves 3]
4 US potatoes - peeled and cut cubes
1/2 tbsp butter
salt to taste
enough water to boil potatoes
  1. Place cut potatoes in a pot, add enough water [just to cover potatoes].
  2. Bring to boil until potatoes are soft and water almost dry.
  3. Sprinkle in salt to taste, stir in butter and spring onions.  Mix well, serve immediately with roasted meat.

Notes: Visit this site for its' Nutritional Facts [here]


  1. Kimmy, this will be good to serve with roasted chicken and it will disappear fast!

  2. Hi Phong Hong, yes it pairs off well with the roasted chicken. Simple yet tasty.

  3. Kimmy, you could add some garlic n dried parsley as well.

  4. Hi Anonymous, yes you can. You can even add button mushrooms or chopped fried bacon and ham. My is a simple version that can be prepared easily.
