Friday, November 29, 2013

Thai Ginger Chicken [kai pad king]

An easy and tasty Thai chicken dish.   Very appetising with rice.  The gravy is slightly salty from the fish sauce and the sweetness is from the yellow onions.  Overall, the ingredients blend well with each other.  It's an easy dish to prepare and serve as a One Dish Meal with steaming hot rice.
This dish was cooked at my MIL's place and the wok pan belongs to my hubby's nephew.   Look at the condition - this wok is not 'loved' by its' owner, hahaha!  I bought a 'wok brush' for him.  Hopefully the wok is going to have a clean look soon.
original recipe from Thai Food Recipes with some modifications
[serves 4]
6 to 8 chicken wings - cut [or other meaty parts of the chicken - about 500gm]
1 yellow onion - peeled and cut wedges
100 gm fresh mushrooms
1 red chilli - cut diagonally
50 gm ginger - cut thin slices
3 cloves garlic - chopped
1 spring onion - cut 1 inch length
1 tbsp cooking oil
some water enough to cook chicken
4 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp sugar
  1. Heat oil in wok, saute ginger and garlic until aromatic. Add in the chicken pieces.  Fry until nearly cooked.
  2. Add in the seasoning.  Continue frying until the gravy is bubbly. 
  3. Add some water to cook chicken until tender and gravy is reduced.
  4. Add in all the remaining ingredients.  Give it a good stir to mix well.
  5. Serve immediately with rice.
Notes: Visit this site for its' Nutritional Facts [here]
I'm  linking this to Asian Food Fest - November 2013 Thailand 
hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings


  1. Wow, all these Thai food is stirring up my appetite.... your dish looks yummy!

  2. the wok got burnt earlier is it? last time my father burnt the wok also, my mum got so fed up that she threw that wok away and get a new one! haha!

  3. Hi Cheah, quite a complete dish. I served it over rice and another fried vegetable [afraid my MIL can't take fresh salad]. I think a fresh mixed salad would be good.

  4. Hi Lena, nope, the user only cleaned the inner side of the wok. Never wash the wok base after use.

  5. Hi Sapana, the chicken and gravy was very flavourful and tasty with rice.

  6. Kimmy, I am sure I would love this dish. Hah! Hah! My non-stick pan also has that look on the sides :)

  7. Hi Phong Hong, I thought it shouldn't be in that condition, hahaha!
