Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dual Purpose Vegetarian Stir Fry Jicama

This jicama/bangkwan stir fry was prepared for the purpose of making vegetarian chai boey [see this post].  Since the quantity is quite big, part of it can be served as Stir Fry Jicama similar to Popiah but it's vegetarian.  Part of it can be used to prepare the ever popular Chai Boey minus the meat.

Ingredients - A
2 pieces firm beancurd - cut thin strips - fried until golden
1  turnip [sengkuang] about 1 kg - cut very fine shreds
1 carrot - cut very fine shreds
200 gm cabbage - slice thinly
3-4 dried mushrooms - soaked and cut fine shreds
2-3 florets of soaked black fungus [bok nee] - slice thinly
30 gm dried crispy fine gluten [optional]
10-12 french beans - finely sliced
100 ml oil
Salt and vegetarian msg to taste
  1. Heat oil in wok to fry mushrooms, crispy gluten and bok nee for a minute.
  2. Fry mushrooms till fragrant then add in all the vegetables except french beans.
  3. Continue frying until the vegetables are limp and soft.  Add in salt and msg to taste.  Add in fried beancurd.
  4. Lastly add in the french beans.   Stir fry to combine and cook till french beans are cooked.  Dish out to serve with rice or lettuce leaves and chilli sauce or transfer to a big pot.
  5. Add in ingredients B and bring to boil.  Lower heat and simmer until all the vegetables are soft and has the sourish flavour of chai boey.

    I'm linking this post  to Little Thumbs Up Event - Soy Beans
     organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and me, Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich from Piece of Cake



  1. This looks really yummy! I love vegetarian dishes as such.

  2. Hi Mich, there are various ways to cook this dish. You can add or omit some ingredients, yet it is still yummy with fresh lettuce leaves and sambal.
