Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dong Quai Spinach Soup

This soup was prepared the same time I cooked the Chicken in Special Sauce [see recipe here].  I used the stock from boiling of the chicken to cook this herbal soup which was good.   Simple, easy and at least the stock is put to use.

300 gm spinach - washed and separate leaves with stems
700 ml chicken stock [from Chicken in Special Sauce]
3-4 slices dong quai [angelica roots]
1 tbsp kei chi [wolfberries]
salt and msg to taste

  1. Bring stock from boiling chicken to boil.  Add in the dong quai pieces and simmer until the soup is fragrant.  Add in seasoning to taste.
  2. Add in spinach to boiling stock before serving.  Boil until vegetables are cooked.  Add in kei chi and serve hot with rice and chicken dish.

 hosted by Lavender and Lovage

Cooking with Herbs


  1. Your soup looks very yummy. Must be very flavoursome. I love the addition of kei chee too.

  2. Hi Veronica, it's a light and healthy soup when served together with meat dishes.

  3. Thanks for sharing this informative information about dong quai extract with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
