Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cornflour Loaf Bread [Sponge Dough Method]

The recipe here makes 2 loaves weighing about 480 gm each.  Soft loaf bread.   The loaf is not exactly rectangular eventhough I covered it,  as it didn't rise to 90% height of my Pullman's tin.  
Ingredients for Sponge Dough
180 gm bread flour
120 gm cornflour
2 tsp instant yeast
200 ml water
  • Mix all ingredients into a soft rough dough.  Cover and leave to proof for at least 1-2 hours.
Ingredients for Bread Dough
300 gm bread flour  [removed 2 tablespoons]
2 tbsp wholemeal flour
4 tbsp sugar
1 tsp  salt
1 egg
100 ml water [used about 90 ml]
60 gm butter 
  1. Add all the ingredients [except butter] to the sponge dough.  Knead [from low speed to medium] until well combined and dough is soft for about 10 minutes then add in butter.  Continue kneading until soft, smooth and elastic.  Knead a further 5-10 minutes and dough does not stick to the fingers or window pane stage.
  2. Shape into a ball and cover with a clean cloth to proof for 15 minutes or until double in size. Punch down dough.
  3. Divide dough into 2 equal portions.  Roll and fold each portion into thirds, then roll swiss roll style into a log.  Place in baking tin [Pullman's tin] and leave to proof in oven for an hour or until double in size [almost reach the rim of the baking tin.  [You can divide dough into any number of equal portions to make smaller loaves].  Remove from oven before preheating it.
  4. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes [uncovered] or 200 degrees C for 30 minutes [covered]
  5. Remove to cool on rack immediately after baking.
Never discard the loaf bread if they are not that soft or moist to your liking.   It's yummy, delicious [crispy outside and moist inside] when you toast and apply jam and butter to it.


  1. Hi, my 1st visit your blog. Love your bread, the texture is so soft.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm following you.

    Have a nice day.

  2. Hi Amelia, you're welcome. Hope the recipes I'm sharing here is useful and good to all. Happy baking and cooking.

  3. You make bread so often! Your family is very lucky!

  4. Hi Jessie, I have no choice cos' bread is my hubby's breakfast food. Sometimes it's also his supper when he watches his football matches esp. wkends. There were times when I woke up in the morning to find that I don't have enough bread for breakfast.

  5. Hello, I read with interest your cornflour bread. Can I please know if it's possible to make it using the straight dough method please?

  6. Hi Novice, yes you can. You just knead to the ingredients together into a dough then add butter and knead until elastic before resting for 20 minutes. Shape and proof for about 1 hour then bake at 150C for about 40 minutes.
