Thursday, May 17, 2012

Apple and Figs Jam

Another tasty jam [sweet sourish flavour] from Amy Beh's collection that I have prepared sometime ago.  I made this jam again and would like to share with those interested to make their own preserves.  Probably, I will use some to bake a chiffon cake like the one with Red Plums Jam.

[makes a  bottle and a half x 400 gm]
450 gm Granny's Smith green apples [about 5 apples] - remove skin and chopped finely
50 gm figs - soaked and chopped small pieces
Rind of 1 orange
250 ml water
200 gm sugar

  1. Place all ingredients [except sugar] in a pan.  Bring it to a boil and lower heat to cook until fruits are soften [I blend it a little to get a finer texture] and water reduced.
  2. Add in sugar and continue to simmer.  Stir occasionally to mix ingredients well.  In the meantime, place a small saucer in the freezer to chilled [for testing if jam is ready].  Simmer until it gels up.  Place a teaspoon of jam on saucer.  Leave in fridge for a few minutes and jam should be ready if it forms a mass.
  3. Store in sterilised airtight bottles.  Always refrigerate jam as homemade jams are without preservatives.
Chiffon cake using homemade apple figs jam


  1. It is nice to have homemade jam! you should made more..

    1. I have made several simple, different fruit jams [100% fruity] but didn't post the recipes. I gave some to friends before but they prefer store bought. So I make smaller qty just enough for own consumption. Will post others when I make them again.

  2. Thanks for your comment and invite. Already linked.

  3. Great that you linked up, thank you. I have put the name of the jam in for you.
