Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sesame Oil Ginger Vegetarian Egg

This dish is like the Mua Eu Khay [Sesame Oil Chicken].  For the vegetarian version, I used vegetarian egg with sesame oil and lots of ginger.   Simple yet appetising.

Pan fried vegetarian egg
10 pieces vegetarian egg - pan fried until golden brown
5 dried mushrooms - soaked and halved [can substitute with bok nee]
3 tbsp ginger - cut fine shreds
3 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp sesame oil
a dash cooking wine
100 ml water [tau pau will soak  up some of the gravy]    
  1. Heat sesame oil in wok, saute finely cut ginger until aromatic and slightly  crispy.  Set aside.
  2. Add in dried mushrooms fry till aromatic.  Then add in sauce ingredrients and water.
  3. Bring it to a boil for 1 - 2 minutes, then put in the fried vegetarian egg pieces.   Braised for another 5-10 minutes and add a dash cooking wine.  Dish out to serve with rice.


  1. Very simple and easy to understand....great dish...thanks for sharing

  2. Tried the recipe, very nice and simple to follow. Thanks for sharing and so timely too as The Nine Emperors 9Days vegetarian diet is near.

  3. Hi Anonymous, thanks for your comment and feedback on this dish. It's flavourful for vegetarian diet. I'll be cooking this dish again with black fungus.
