Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hoisin Nutty Roast Chicken Drumsticks

Another roast chicken recipe with a fragrant marinade.  Can be a yummy buffet  party dish or a delicious chicken dish with rice for dinner.
Again, no oil needed or frying to do.  Only marinating and roasting them in the oven before dinner.   Looks like I'm into roasting meats these days with hike in electricity.  Should have done this kinda of dish more often before January 2014, hehehe!
Original recipe is from  The Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen.
Taste - aromatic chicken with garlic and peanut butter.  The Hoisin sauce [sweet, sourish sauce] added more flavour to the chicken.  Overall, these are tasty and yummy roast drumsticks most people would like to indugle.
Recipe Source - The Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen with modifications
[serves 3]
6 drumsticks - with skin - cleaned and dry in colander
Marinade - mix together
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tbsp Hoisin sauce [sweet sauce]
1/2 tbsp fine taucheong [preserved salted soybean paste]
1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp light soy sauce
  1. Mix marinade well.  Rub some under the skin and all over the skin of the drumsticks.  Marinate for at least 3 hours or overnight in the fridge.
  2. Preheat oven at 220 degrees C.  Place drumsticks on baking rack above a baking tray.
  3. Roast chicken for 20 minutes.  Then turn over to roast the other side for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Turn to grill function  and grill for the last 5-10 minutes if you prefer the skin a little charred or until chicken is cooked.
  5. Serve immediately.
 Notes: Visit this site for its' Nutritional Facts [here]


  1. Can I also use the same recipe to fry the chicken instead of baking it?

  2. Hi Tan, I think you can but need to add some flour to coat it.

  3. Finger licking good! Interesting recipe, looking forward to try it out :)

  4. Thanks for the advice, I need to coat the chicken with flour before the frying?

  5. Hi Lite Home Bake, yes do give it a try.
